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Congratulations! After sometime you are now free from sleepless nights, head aching projects and exams and basically you’ve just survived the roller coaster ride of College life.

Hey, Now that you have your diploma. You have reached your goal. Ask yourself what should I do next? What’s going to be your next move? Common graduates though, do what is practically and typically done after graduation- look for a job. It might be challenging to be a fresh applicant after graduating from school, but this will guide you on how to apply for a job and get hired.

These are some steps to help you get started and ponder on what’s your next move.

Go find what interests you. A lot of job applicants takes for granted the company they apply for. Regardless of what it aims or what it’s all about. As long as there’s a vacancy and a pay check, a mindless applicant would grab it. However, like a fresh grad like you options are limitless for you. Go find a job that’s something fits your interest and passion, trust me because chances are you wouldn’t consider it as work anymore because you like and love what you’re doing. So, go hunt your potential job and see through what’s within your capacity. After realizing your interest, it is very advantageous to find a working place similar to your interest. But, since you’re a fresh grad also consider options that are within your capacity and at the same interests. We’re not telling you to scratch your dream job but we want you to see possible career paths and see the extent of your capacity of being a full time flexible employee.

Make an impressive profile. As soon as you know where you’re going, you may start working on your resume. Keep your resume short. Longer resumes often appear very unappealing to employers. A 1-2 page resume would do. The longer the resume, the more chances of boredom to your employee and a much greater chance of you not getting the job. Besides, sometimes employee tends to skim resumes rather that to read it entirely. It is advisable that your resume should be simple but creative to catch the attention of your employer and make him or her actually read it. Include your basic information- your profile, what position you applied and why, your educational background and work experience if you have any. Skills and interests are also advisable to include in your resume. So, you may include even your strangest skill or semi-formal attires are the usual standard to wear for a job interview.

Look good and clean. It will give a nice impact to your employer and would see that you are respecting the job and that your serious on getting it. Also, don’t forget to wear one important thing- confidence. Work that talk. After looking your best. It’s now time to pass the hardest part of applying for a job- the interview. When being in an interview, it is always important to be nice and polite to you interviewer.

Greet the interviewer and be sure to wear a smile. While talking to your interviewer, you should always have eye contact. It represents confidence and respect. Answer the questions honestly but with a bit of humbleness so it won’t give the interviewer a sense that you are better than him or her. Be sure to show respect by always reminding him or her that he or she has the power by saying “mam” or “sir”.

Finally, end the interview by giving thanks and a handshake. After doing all the steps needed in applying for a job, the last thing to do is accepting it. But if the company didn’t call you back don’t be sad there will always be a next move in every goal setting. Explore again more options, who knows your career path is within one of those options you just got to be patient and open to more experience.




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