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How to get away with college struggles

How to get away with college struggles? Hmm so, you’re really planning with getting away with college struggles?

Well. Scratch that, the only way that you can get away with college is to breathe, open your mind and embrace the reality that you can’t get away with it but hey, don’t worry it’s not that there’s no more possible ways but instead, you can still cope with those head aching college struggles.

With the exams, projects, thesis and reports filling in your to-do list, you’ll feel bombarded and have the possibility that you’ll have a hard time to maintain personal health care and wellness. Simply because it’s college. However, every college student feels the way you do but don’t sulk and get too mushy there here are some health tips that could guide you in coping with college struggles and would keep your healthy life monitored at the same time.


Eat go grow glow foods. They say there’s die in diet. We all can see that but it’s much better if we could look to the bright side that diet could make us wary of what we eat. Wary of what we eat? Yes be wary or aware of what we eat, through diet we become conscious of the food that’s inside our plates. And through that, it is important that our diet from morning ‘til afternoon would be a living testimony of the Go, grow, glow food pyramid. Bottomline? Read the bold letters in the starting paragraph.

Don’t be a qualifier of the #TeamNoBreakfast . For students who don’t make it as a routine to eat breakfast every morning because their class starts at 7am or they tend to overslept because they might be an advocate of “the lamaw program”, a tip for you. Make sure you start your day with a healthy breakfast and don’t be a qualifier of the team no breakfast club because it provides the body and brain with fuel and apart from that breakfast foods are good sources of calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fiber which our body definitely needs and our brains to completely function.

Thou shall not stress eat. If you feel so tempted to reach a plate full of chips and cookies when you feel nervous and anxious about a coming exam in physics. Well, that’s a sign of stress eating, friend. If you don’t know how to manage your emotions in a way that doesn’t involve food. Here’s some tips for you

1. If you’re depressed or lonely, call someone who always makes you feel better, play with your dog or cat, or look at a favorite photo or cherished memento.

2. If you’re anxious, expend your nervous energy by dancing to your favorite song, squeezing a stress ball, or taking a brisk walk.

3. If you’re exhausted, treat yourself with a hot cup of tea, take a bath, light some scented candles, or wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

4. If you’re bored, read a good book, watch a comedy show, explore the outdoors, or turn to an activity you enjoy may it be painting, playing instruments and many more. That way you may stop emotional cravings and fulfill your emotional stability.

Skipping meals is not an option. Skipping meals is not on option with one’s busy schedule. But if you wish to apply it the only difference that it would make is to make your tummy growling and empty. Plus, skipping meals can be risky and you may be headed for trouble according to Leah Cahill, PhD, of Harvard School of Public Health, One of her studies found out that women who skipped breakfast regularly has a 20% increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and may risk nutrient deficiencies linked to fatigue, poor mental function and other health concerns. That way you can’t fully function as a whole.


Play a sport. Since college is full of mental workload it’s about time to get your muscles and body work too. One way to get you motivated to exercise is to make time to play a sport. Volleyball, Basketball, swimming are some of the forms of cardio exercise that is good for our bodies since it boosts our immune system and help build strong bones and can even help us burn plenty of calories.

Run through open spaces. Go, run through open spaces in the Oval or commencement grounds or even at puro and take advantage of these fields to get your sweat dripping. Or you can simply just jog since running demands more effort from the heart, lungs and muscles than jogging. But either of the the two do the exercise in 45 min could strengthen your endurance and help boost your immune system plus it’s one way to cope up with stress and help maintain a healthy weigh.

Do it at home zumba. Some of us college students might want to enroll in a gym but it sure is a big burden to our pennies. But, don’t worry it’s not that bad to do the unconventional or not even bad to try something new and that it is to do it at home zumba. And what you only need is some comfy clothes, a tv or a laptop, a zumba cd and a spoonful’s of willingness to get you started. You just play the zumba cd anywhere in your house, may it be in your room or sala sets and just click play. Since zumba can burn around 600 to 1000 calories and helps improve your body coordination which is extremely important to maintain as we grow older plus it’s a full body workout.


Manage thy time. Stress would always come in different and discrete ways. Sometimes stress comes in the traffic of workloads that you don’t even know where to start. Well then, turn the panic mode off and set out your tasks by managing your time. Create a routine and time schedule for the things you want to accomplish for the day, focus on every tasks until you tick them off to your to-do list and do it to the succeeding tasks till you have them done in just a matter of setting your time and goal.

Call a friend. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, reach out and ask for help from your professors and friends. Sometimes you need someone to help you with. It’s also nice to get a little help and perspective from other people that would help you get a wide perspective of things. Lastly..

Reward yourself. In every storm, there will always be a rainbow. Just like in every struggle and hard work that you make it’s nice to reward yourself later. Giving yourself a treat may come in even simple ways might be shopping a new dress, getting your hair fixed, buying a new shoes or even eating a cake. The simple act of rewarding for yourself could motivate you to go further and aim higher.

Again, you can't really get away with college struggles but you just have to breath, open your mind and embrace these coping steps now!




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