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Punchline: Police: A killer or a protector?

I have always admired police officers since I was little. I admired their discipline, their courage and how they would protect the citizens of the country. I’ve always look up to them for I know they are just there to protect my family, the Filipino youth and the Filipino citizenry.

There even came a time when I wanted to be part of the police. I want to protect people from harm and crimes especially that we deserve justice and mercy.

Years passed and I woke up to the reality that being a police officer is a hard job. I learned how risky their job is for the humanity to be saved. But sadly, I learned that they are paid to do all of it.

After newly elected President Rodrigo Duterte won with 16,601,997 votes from the Filipino citizens last May 9, 2016, that started my bad perception to the Philippine police.Duterte’s campaign on fighting drugs and criminals through the police force was no joke. Last May 15, Duterte vowed to reintroduce capital punishment and give the police forces “shoot-to-kill” orders on organized criminals and those who resisted arrest.

It was all part of his election campaign to eradicate crime within 3 to 6 months. And in result we are experiencing extra-judicial killings that were suspected to be done by unknown vigilantes.

It is by law that the Philippine National Police are subjected to the President of the Philippines’ commands. Therefore, after Duterte’s “shoot-to-kill” orders to the police force, it marks a sign that these officers are probably getting blood in their hands after the order.

In Davao alone, more than 1,000 criminals were killed by police, hired assassins and ex-communist rebels in Duterte’s orders during his more than 2 decades of service as Davao’s mayor.

They suffer the consequence of their conscience with the president’s order. Slaughtering thousands of human beings not given a chance to change. Ending lives of the sons, daughters, mothers or fathers. Not respected of their human rights.

They promised to serve the country. To make it a better place. But is following orders like killing your fellow countrymen makes the country a safer place to live in? They might do a great job in killing the criminals but would fail to save the lives of their fellow Filipinos.




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