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It seems like in today’s generation one of the definitions of perfection is beauty and sexyness. Just by looking at TV Channels from across the world almost every continent has this American’s Next Top Model or like Victoria’s Secret fashion show where those Barbie-doll faced models pose their way on a long red carpet that makes any teen say ‘I wish I could be like her’ or in a Bench fashion show that makes some other guys feel like ‘Hey, he looks fine, I might want to get that figure’

Feeling a bit guilty? Don’t worry it happens.

The society has already built up that kind of mage of perfection. And you might even agree on this equation wherein beautiful girls is equals to pretty, slim or sexy plus tall, having long legs and has a fair skin.Handsome guys is equals to tall, dark or white as long as they have abs and captivating biceps.

That’s why some teenagers make their own way of achieving that kind of “perfection”.

In Albay alone, many students both male and female from different universities and colleges goes to the gym mainly to lose weight. And normally when going to the gym weight reduction, body building and slimming are one of their main reasons why they work out.

However, n the other side of the coin, Body Slimming can be a good weight goal for yourself however, having an extreme consciousness on body slimming that some teens uphold a strict diet to themselves can be a bad asset to your health.

Just like obtaining a disorder known as Anorexia Nervosa. It’s an eating disorder in which a person is obsessed with weight, body shape and food intake to the point that he or she begins to starve themselves.

Usually, it happens during the teenage years where a lot of environmental issues may cause the person to have the disorder. Some signs of having anorexia are extreme weight loss, fatigue, and dizziness or fainting, hair that thins, breaks or falls out, absence of menstruation (amenorrhea), constipation, dry skin, low blood pressure, dehydration, osteoporosis, the loss of bone calcium.You can even spot a person with anorexia if they consistently refuse to eat, denial of hunger even if they are already starving, difficulty in concentrating, obsession with body size and shape, skipping meals, making excuses for not eating, eating only a few certain foods that are low in fat and calories, adopting meal or eating rituals like cutting food into tiny pieces or spitting food out after chewing and even weighing food.

Other than with foods, signs of anorexia in a person may also include excessive exercise, having a flat mood or lack of emotion, repeated weighing of themselves, frequently checking themselves in the mirror for flaws and of course complaining about being fat. .

On the other hand, body shaming is also present on the side of men. Yes, it is. These standards is not boxed on one gender. According to statistics, one in ten people with anorexia are male. Maybe the case is not as high compare to the women but we also need to give attention to this rising dilemma.

The Australian Psychological Society gathered statistics on male body image, including information on the habits of those with body dysmorphic disorder. According to Helen Fawkner, PhD, research confirms that in recent years the number of men seeking treatment for body-image dissatisfaction has increased.

By tradition, a male’s character in society has been clearly distinct. The “ideal” man offered strength through security. Nowadays, it seems men feel the must to display strength, security, and masculinity through physical appearance. We often define masculinity with muscles, abs or in short, a buff body. Girls will somehow consider it as their ideal man or boyfriend goals so the tendency is for men to have intense workouts to get their desired shape. This might be consider as labeling or status symbol wherein many are obsessed on achieving it. It we will think about it, going to gym is indeed good for our physical system but sometimes, unhealthy.

These obsessions sometimes came from a motivation to improve oneself to impress a special someone. Occasionally, this might be caused by too much admiration if someone aspire to have the same body as what his idol have.

With girls, do we need to be the same figure as those models to let the people know we are inside the sexy culture of women that you see on screens?

With guys, does it a need for us to carry big barbels and at the same time starve ourselves and think that it’s okay because masculinity defines my ABS.

More importantly let us remind ourselves that there’s a difference between being fit and a lifestyle of extensive and strict eating patterns. Because, you know what it may lead to serious negative effects such as infertility, brain damage, and shutdown of major body systems, heart attacks, suicide and even death.

Having improvement for yourself is admirable but of course we need to consider certain limitations. We need to be careful where we look for it regardless of the gender. A person can never be defined on how he/she looks, sometimes, it is just a matter of acceptance and contentment. At the end of the day, you can have you own version of amazing without listening to those people who used to shame and product advertisers that will make you believe that a certain shape is the real sexy.

Furthermore, Let us clear out that illusion in our heads of what perfection is. Cut the VS Model Body type in your head, Forget the 4 packed abs that defines masculinity because the truth is a person can never be defined on how his or her body looks, sometimes, it is just a matter of acceptance and contentment and how we embrace imperfections are what makes us beautiful.




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