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An open letter to kids,millennials or humans who are into chores.

Dear kid/millennial/ human who is into chores,

Hey, whether you're voluntarily or involuntarily doing it, whether you’re angrily doing your tasks or putting your heart into it. This is for you..

You see our world is getting into too much technology, our world is experiencing too many innovations, our world has machines that make things a little bit faster and easier.

Our world has this space called the Internet where almost all of your time and also my time is wasted just by scrolling on Facebook, tweeting and stalking celebs at twitter and suddenly finds myself liking a cute guy on Instagram but oh, there goes my mom complaining about my obligations- my chores!! From chill time I went ill time ‘cause I’m going to scroll a broom instead of my ipad, from spending hours online to washing plates on a filthy sink.

I was even embarrassed to say to my friends that chores wasn’t my thing. This went like this in my whole high school years until just yesterday. I found out it wasn’t bad after all.

Chores is not something you shouldn’t feel bad about sharing. It’s worth sharing actually, because it is a skill that keeps you functioning in your house. It’s a system in your body that is spend ‘wisely’ on things that actually matter. Like organizing every mess in the house, cleaning the plates and sweeping the floor. It’s also a measure of being responsible and humble to your work. A training for a clean scheme and peaceful and organized environment. And if you’re going to places you’ll totally make a good impression because of that ‘chore skill’. So, don’t be discouraged to get into chores.

Just remember:

Kids, Don’t get too messy even if you have your yaya’s remember they can get tired too. But, wait you can also make chores as part of your play time.

Millennials, Leave Kendall, Selena or Miley as classy as they are. You’re also genuinely classy with that broom in your hand because you are functioning too well even without making yourself pretty.

Humans, Chores is something that everyone must do. Also, be human enough or be nice to all the helpers, street sweepers, janitors and yaya’s they deserve a smile, a hug and a clap too because they’re also heroes dressed in dirty working clothes where those stains that you see are marks of great hardwork. Instead, help them by making a simple gesture of making their work easy.


Someone who hates chores…long ago :)




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