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From Passion to Chess Master: Janelle Frayna

credits: Baku Chess Olympiad

Janelle Mae Frayna shows that a Filipina has a place in the field of chess, after winning as our country’s First Woman Chess Grand Master. She drew her ninth round game against Mongolia in 42 seconds chess Olympiad in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Before she became our country’s first woman grand master, she is the same as any ordinary student. More so, she lives with her family in Washington Drive, Legazpi City. Her parents are both government employees. She has two older brothers and she is the youngest.

Through her father and brothers, Janelle at grade four, started to develop an interest in playing chess and began to show potential in the field. After gaining knowledge in the game, she started joining chess competitions in the school however, her journey in becoming a chess enthusiast began when she competed for DepEd's Journal meet tournament.

After graduating Elementary at Divine Word High school (DWCL). She enrolled at the same school and when she reached third year high school, she had decided to transfer in Manila at Far Eastern University (FEU) to widen her horizons.

Furthermore, Amidst all the school workloads Frayna manage to balance studies and chess. In fact, through the game, Chess - She became a scholar in FEU and this year she is running for Cum Laude in BS Psychology.

Janelle is not just good at Chess and academics,

"She is kind, generous, loving and a hardworking sister", said Don Mari Phil Frayna, her brother.

Janelle is meeting waves of congratulation back in her hometown,

"You make our province proud" Frayna’s brother expressed. Also, Janelle’s brother was his coach in chess back in her beginner days.

Frayna’s brother shared,

“To those aspiring Chess masters, you should love the game in order to excel, it is just not enough that you know and play the game, and you must also be hardworking and passionate to it so that every game you play will be worthy”

Janelle is just a proof that nothing is impossible to achieve especially if you are passionate to a certain path. Barriers are always around but if you are courageous enough then you will be the master of your own career.




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