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Millennial of the Month: The Big Dreamer

The Big Dreamer- Magna CumLaude of Class 2015, Ayala Young Leaders, CAL Outstanding Graduate, President of the UNESCO CLUB last 2013-2014, Chairperson of Buklod last 2013 elections, One of the Exchange Students of Dongseo University, President in the Student Federation Albay Chapter, President of the Supreme Student Council when she was on her Senior Year in Highschool and was also a Former Editor in chief in her high school publication, she even joined writing contest and press conventions on her grade school years. Name an award.. she has it!

This Big Dreamer that were saying is Ms. Therese Isabelle Vega, A Magna Cum Laude at Bicol University College of Arts and Letters who took up AB Journalism and she now works as part of the Market Research at Taylor Nelson Sofres, a leading market research and market information group situated in London.

Though she was a journalism graduate she did not pursue entering the media industry but instead explored her options,

“I’m not saying it’s single-minded. I want to be more complex and flexible. Media eat and breathe news. In our case, we eat and breathe data.”

This academic achiever and an award winning lady back in her school days shares her secret on what her dream job is,

“I don’t have a dream job. I have a life goal.”

“I ask myself where do I see myself after 10 years? In a café in Paris having coffee. That helped me set my short term goals.” She added.

When inspiration is nowhere to find, Vega keeps her inspiration and motivation through her unconditional love for her family,

"Definitely family. Everything I do, I always have them in my mind and whenever I get to decide I ask myself, will this take me where I want to be?”

And her tip with her co-millennials on being motivated and keeping on track with their goals,

“Surround yourself with great people and friends. They will serve as your support group that will call your attention whenever you’re not on track.”

In overcoming life’s struggles and problems she has 3 major keys to impart to you,

First, “Have a strong heart. Pitfalls and detours cannot be controlled so you have to always tell yourself ‘I can make it through this!’ whenever you experience one.”

Second, “You should always keep focus so that all decisions you will make will take into considerations your goal.”

Lastly, “Life is hard and you need people to make it easier.”

Therese also describes success as,

“I always tell everyone that success is very relative. For some, success can be having a family, getting to travel, getting a high paying job, etc. but for me, I can say success is when I am in a state of fulfillment and I did something for a purpose.”

Moreso, She shared some life reflecting questions that she wants millennials to ponder on,

“In the future, what do you want to do?”

“In your heart, what do you want to achieve?”

“Have a clear picture on what you want to do with your life. Getting there will follow.

And then, she ended it with, “Don’t look for a job. Look for a career.”

Just like Therese Vega, we all started from a spark of dust, we all started from wishful thinking but this young lady with big dreams turned this spark of dust and wishful thinking into hope and reality. She has a clear picture of what she wants that’s why she’s making waves of success. And with that you too can be like her,

And if you’re reading this,

The Big Dreamer wants you to know and impart to yourself that, “Don’t let dreams be just dreams. Wake up and start living them.” -Charmaine Aduviso, Jam Maica Marvida




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