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Workouts that you should work out!

Tired of getting that ‘ang taba ng braso mo’ or ‘tumaba ka’ compliment? Worry no more. Set up now your super workout clothes, workout shoes and your energy drink. Because here are some of the recommended workouts that I have especially for those who have chubby arms, flat breasts, belly fats, flat butts and thigh fats highly recommended for girls. So, what now? Put your game face on and let’s do these routines, get consistent and you’ll achieve a fit body in no time!

Chubby arms

Push-ups- Get on the floor with your hands under your shoulders. Keep your elbows close to your side and then lower your body. Then return to starting position. If you find it too hard, change your starting position where your knees are bent and it touches the floor. Repeat this 10-15 times.

One-arm push up- Lie on your left side while your knees are slightly bent. Put your left arm on your right side of the body (rib part). Then press your right palm into the floor until it’s straight and lift your upper body. Repeat 10 times, and switch sides.

Tricep Kickbacks- For this exercise you will need 1-2 kg weights. Hold your weight. Bend your upper body forward from the hips up and bend your elbows at 90 degree angle. Now extend both your arms backwards while your palms facing each other. Feel the tension in the triceps and return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 8-10 repeats

Flat Breasts

Push ups- Get on the floor with your hands under your shoulders. Keep your elbows close to your side and then lower your body. Then return to starting position. If you find it too hard, change your starting position where your knees are bent and it touches the floor. Repeat this 10-15 times.

Wall push-ups- Similar concept with normal push-ups, you just have to use a wall to push alongside instead of the floor. Place both your feet away from a wall. Then lay your palms on the wall and bend your arms, like doing push ups.

Dumbbell Flys- You will need dumbbells for this exercise. While holding on firmly on the dumbbells, stretch out both arms which should be parallel to the floor. Then the dumbbells are to be lifted over you lowering your arms to their position. Arm circles- extend your arms with light weights in each hand. This should be at your shoulder level and then make circles. Repeat the movement atleast 15 times. Once you feel tired in your muscles, you will start to see the results.

Belly fats

Plank- Starting at the top of a pushup position, bend your elbows and lower yourself down until you can shift your weight from your hands to your forearms. Your body should form a straight line. Brace your abs (imagine someone is about to punch you in the gut) and hold for 60 seconds. If you can't make it to 60 seconds, hold for 5 to 10 seconds and rest for 5 seconds, continuing for 1 minute. Focus on form: Don't drop your hips or raise your butt.

Side plank- In a right-side plank position, brace your abs and reach your left hand toward the ceiling. Slowly tuck your left arm under your body and twist forward until your torso is almost parallel to the floor. Return to the side plank. That's 1 rep. Do 2 or 3 sets of 5 to 10 reps on each side, resting for 1 minute between sets.

Crunches / Sit ups

This exercise is beneficial for your upper abdomen. Lay on the floor and hold your hands by your ears rather than behind your head to prevent a neck strain. Bend your knees with your feet on the floor. Then lift your shoulders and upper back up and away from the floor with your face pointing toward the ceiling. Exhale as you come up as far as you can, hold for a second, then inhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat 15-25 times.

Leg Drop

Lie on the floor while your legs are over your hips at 90 degrees. Slowly lower your legs as low as you can without touching the floor, but make sure not to lift your lower back. Then raise your legs to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Pike and Extend

Lie on the floor with your legs extended over your hips. Then crunch up so your hands reach towards your feet. Then bring your arms back overhead while at the same time you lower your left leg towards the floor. Then crunch up again while your hands reach both your toes, but this time when you bring your arms back overhead, lower your right leg towards the floor. Repeat 20 times alternating sides.

Flat butt

Donkey kicks

Starting on your hands and knees, keeping your core tight and back flat, raise 1 leg and keeping knee at 90 degrees. Push that leg as high as you can in the air and lower back down, repeat for 12 reps, then switch legs.

Aim for 4 sets of 12 reps.

Lunge and press

Start with the weight or kettlebell to the right side, feet shoulder-width apart and abs on. Take a long step forward into a lunge position with your thigh at 90 degrees, parallel to the floor. Take care that your knee is not over your toe.

Next, press the kettlebell/weight above your shoulder in a controlled movement, breathing out as you do this, then return the weight to the hips and step back with feet shoulder-width apart. Repeat on the other side.

Master this first before you go for speed and twists or advanced techniques.

Heel sky raise

Start on your knees and elbows. From here, put one leg out straight and flex your foot. Focus on lifting this leg from your butt (leg must stay straight or you are not using your butt). Slowly raise your leg from the ground until it’s in line with your body and lower back to the ground.

Perform this slowly, pausing at the top of each repetition. This is a small and controlled movement. If you raise too high you will use your back muscle instead of your butt. To really make it work, keep the height range between the ground and your torso

Lower half lunge

These lunges will have your legs burning while forcing your glutes to contract without rest, targeting several muscle groups simultaneously and elevating your heart rate.

Start in a lunge position with your back knee on the ground.

Keeping your chest up, torso straight and belly pinned to the spine, bring your knee off the ground until you’re halfway up. Then go back to the ground.

Do 15 pulses each leg and perform slowly for best results.

Pelvic tilts

This exercise will help lift your butt and stop it looking as though it’s sitting on the back of your legs.

Lie on your back with your knees up and toes pointed up (on your heels). Slowly raise your hips off the ground until your pelvis is like a bridge. Hold this position for five seconds, focusing on squeezing your glutes up and belly down (imagine you are trying to get them to meet in the middle). Release and repeat.

Thigh fat

Intensive Walking

The easiest exercise that will help you lose leg fat involves walking. When you walk, your legs will be getting the right work out. Walking uphill is a great idea. If you are walking on a treadmill, then you may want to put it at a fifteen percent incline. However, twenty percent would be best. I recommend you walking to twenty minutes a day. If you are naturally walking, then thirty minutes a day would be your best bet.

Calves Raises

This will involve you standing with your heels hanging over a stair.

Raise up onto the balls of your feet and go down as much as you can.

You can stand on a stair to make the exercise more intense.


Jumping is a great exercise that will help you lose leg fat. You can jump in short bursts of only two minutes anytime you want. You can do it as you are watching television.




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