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How to be productive this coming sembreak

Good news! Sembreak is getting nearer! A time to unwind and wash away all the stress from school workloads brought about by the first semester of the school year. A time to take away all the stress in your body and say hey! You made it, now you’re down to the last part. But I know, it would not be a happy sembreak if you would not spend it in a productive and unforgettable way. With that, let me share to you some tips on how you could spend your break without spending too much.

If you are an art lover, you might look into your old stuff and try to make it a new one. Renovate some materials and try to make something out of it, it could be a house decor or a personalize thing. Or if you love to draw, try to make artworks and hang it on your wall to add new style to your house decor. In that way, you will make your vacay a fun filled and artistic one.

If your dream is to become a writer, you may also write poems and stories on topics which interest you the most. Try to practice your writing skills and see what you can still do. In that way, you learned something and you got to show the writer in you.

If you’re a food lover, try to experiment on new recipes that will not only benefit you and your family but you’ll also gain profit from it. You might sell your new experimented flavour of ice candy recipe to your friends or to anyone. Who knows maybe your experimented ice candy flavoured recipe might be a big hit in the future? Then the money you get might be used to sustain your school projects next semester so that you will not anymore be asking money from your parents. See, you had spent your vacay well and at the same time you got to help your parents.

If you want to have a healthy and productive term break, go play a news sport or to exercise. You can also jog in the boulevard or even hit the gym. Burn those fats and maintain a balanced diet.

Next tip is, if you are an adventurous person and on a tight budget, you may spend your vacay going to places beyond your reach or should I say a destination just few meters away from your house. It could be a walking distance destination. Limit yourself from spending too much. After all Enjoyment is not about the Money spent but the experience you gain.

This are just some tips on how you could spend a productive sembreak. It is still up to you on how you would spend your two weeks’ vacation. What's important is you got to enjoy and spare yourself from thinking too much. And to grant yourself a stress free life. But whatever you will do, remember that you got to be productive and thrift and be able to learn from the experiences you will gain.




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